Welcome to Randi's Website!

Randi’s undergraduate education at the University of California, Los Angeles, was in psychology and women’s studies, with a specialization in computing. Following, she earned a master’s degree in statistics and a doctorate in social psychology at the University of Connecticut. Her graduate work focused on developing models for investigating group composition and diversity in groups and dyads. After graduate school, Garcia held a postdoctoral research associate position at Princeton University, where she investigated racial attitude disagreement in interracial and same-race friendships. She joined Smith in the fall of 2016 and teaches courses both in statistical and data sciences (SDS) and in psychology. Randi is an Accredited Professional Statistician™.

Research interests:

  • Sexual objectification
  • Dyadic data analysis
  • Inequality in the home


I teach in both the psychology department and the program in statistical and data sciences at Smith College! I teach research methods (PSY 202), the psychology of women and gender (PSY 266), statistical methods for undergraduate research (SDS 201), and a research seminar in intergroup relationships (PSY/SDS 364).


I am interested in how status and power within people’s daily interactions work to reproduce larger social inequalities. My research explores interpersonal interactions and relationships among people with different social group identities in various contexts. Check out my CV!


I am a Methods and Statistics Associate Editor for the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. I also currently serve on the editorial board of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.