Curriculum Vitae Randi L. Garcia


American Statistical Association

Accredited Professional StatisticianTM

University of Connecticut

PhD in Social Psychology

University of Connecticut

MS in Statistics

University of California, Los Angeles

BA in Psychology and Women’s Studies (Double Major)

Psychology specialization in computing with departmental honors. Summa Cum Laude in Women’s Studies.


Awards and Honors

  • Sherrerd Prize for Distinguished Teaching, Smith College, 2019
  • President’s Innovation Challenge, Smith College, 2018-2019
  • Kahn Institute short-term project, Smith College, 2018
  • SGA Smith College Teaching Award (untenured Faculty), 2018
  • Curriculum Enhancement Grant (SDS/MTH 290), Smith Botanic Garden, 2018
  • APA Division 49, Small Groups, Dissertation Award Finalist, 2013
  • Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP), UCLA, 2005
  • Psychology Research Opportunity Programs (PROPS) Scholar, UCLA, 2005

Employment History

Smith College

Assistant Professor

Psychology Department and Program in Statistical and Data Sciences.


Clark University

Visiting Assistant Professor and Research Scientist

Department of Psychology.


Princeton University

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Department of Psychology.



Peer-reviewed articles (*indicates Smith student co-author)

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. Garcia, R. L., *Bergman, S., & *Liu, S. (in press). The effects of daily Instagram use on state self-objectification, well-being, and mood for young women. Psychology of Popular Media.
  2. Duncan, L., Garcia, R. L., & *Teitelman, I. (in press). Assessing politicized gender identity: Validating the feminist consciousness scale. Journal of Social Psychology.
  3. Goldberg, A., & Garcia, R. L. (2020). Community Characteristics, Victimization, and Psychological Adjustment Among School-Aged Adopted Children with Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Parents. Frontiers in Psychology, section Gender, Sex and Sexualities, 11 (372). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00372
  4. Moran, S. & Garcia, R. L. (Oct, 2019). How do US college students’ sense of life purpose relate to their emotional expectations toward community work in service-learning courses? Bordon, Journal of Education: Special issue on Service-Learning in Higher Education, 72(3), 45-62. doi:
  5. Faro, A., McKee, L., Garcia, R. L., & O’Leary, J. L. (Jul-Sep 2019). How are Emotion Socialization and Social Connectedness Related to Youth Internalizing Symptoms? Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 64.
  6. Taylor, J. V., Garcia, R. L., Shelton, J. N., & Yantis, C. (Jul, 2018). “A threat on the ground”: The consequences of witnessing stereotype-confirming ingroup members in interracial interactions. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. doi: 10.1037/cdp0000190
  7. Goldberg, A., Garcia, R. L., & Manley, M. (Feb, 2018). Monosexual and nonmonosexual women in same-sex couples: Relationship quality during the first five years of parenthood. Sexual and Relationship Therapy: Special Issue on Shining Light into the Darkness: Bisexuality and Relationships, 33(1-2), 190-212. doi: 10.1080/14681994.2017.1419561
  8. Faro, A., McKee, L., Garcia, R. L., & Jones, D. J. (Jan, 2018). The relationships between religiosity and youth internalizing symptoms in African American parent–adolescent dyads. Cultural Diversity And Ethnic Minority Psychology, 24(1), 139-149. doi:10.1037/cdp0000158
  9. Garcia, R. L. (Dec, 2017). Perceived self-to-other similarity as a mediator of the effects of gender and racial composition on identification in small groups. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, And Practice, 21(4), 220-233. doi:10.1037/gdn0000075
  10. Sweeney, K., K., Goldberg, A., & Garcia, R. L. (Aug, 2017). Not a “mom thing”: Predictors of gatekeeping in same-sex and heterosexual families. Journal Of Family Psychology, 31(5), 521-531. doi:10.1037/fam0000261
  11. Leach, C. W., Carraro, L., Garcia, R. L., & Kang J. J. (Mar, 2017). Delving into agency and communion: The role of women's specific sex stereotypes in implicit positivity toward their in-group. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 20(2), 153-172. doi:10.1177/1368430215603462
  12. Goldberg, A. E., & Garcia, R. L. (Oct, 2016). Gender-typed behavior over time in children with lesbian, gay, and heterosexual parents. Journal of Family Psychology, 30(7), 854-865. doi:10.1037/fam0000226.
  13. Garcia, R. L., Earnshaw, V. A., & Quinn, D. M. (Jun, 2016). Objectification in action: Self- and other-objectification in mixed-sex interpersonal interactions. Psychology Of Women Quarterly, 40(2), 213-228. doi:10.1177/0361684315614966
  14. Trujillo, M. D., Garcia, R. L., & Shelton, J. N. (2015). 'I thought you were Japanese': Ethnic miscategorization and identity assertion. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 21(4), 507-516. doi:10.1037/cdp0000016
  15. Goldberg, A. E., & Garcia, R. (2015). Predictors of relationship dissolution in lesbian, gay, and heterosexual adoptive parents. Journal Of Family Psychology, 29(3), 394-404. doi:10.1037/fam0000095
  16. Garcia, R. L., Meagher, B. R., & Kenny, D. A. (2015). Analyzing the effects of group members’ characteristics: A guide to the group actor–partner interdependence model. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 18(3), 315-328. doi:10.1177/1368430214556370
  17. Pitpitan, E. V., Kalichman, S. C., Garcia, R. L., Cain, D., Eaton, L. A., & Simbayi, L. C. (2015). Mediators of behavior change resulting from a sexual risk reduction intervention for STI patients, Cape Town, South Africa. Journal Of Behavioral Medicine, 38(2), 194-203. doi:10.1007/s10865-014-9591-4
  18. Garcia, R. L., Kenny, D. A., & Ledermann, T. (2015). Moderation in the actor–partner interdependence model. Personal Relationships, 22(1), 8-29. doi:10.1111/pere.12060
  19. Jans, L., Leach, C. W., Garcia, R. L., & Postmes, T. (2015). The development of group influence on in-group identification: A multilevel approach. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 18(2), 190-209. doi:10.1177/1368430214540757
  20. Shelton, N., Douglass, S., Garcia, R. L., Yip, T., & Trail, T. E. (2014). Feeling (mis)understood and intergroup friendships in interracial interactions. Personality And Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(9), 1193-1204. doi:10.1177/0146167214538459
  21. Richardson, M. J., Garcia, R. L., Frank, T. D., Gergor, M., & Marsh, K. L. (2012). Measuring group synchrony: A cluster-phase method for analyzing multivariate movement time-series. Frontiers in Physiology, 3(405), 1-10. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2012.00405
  22. Kenny, D. A., & Garcia, R. L. (2012). Using the actor–partner interdependence model to study the effects of group composition. Small Group Research, 43(4), 468-496. doi:10.1177/1046496412441626

Book Chapters

  1. Smith, J. Z., Aline, S. G., Goldberg, A. E., & Garcia, R. L. (2020). Multilevel Modeling Approaches to the Study of LGBT-Parent Families: Methods for Dyadic Data Analysis. In A. E. Goldberg, & K. R. Allen (Eds.), LGBT-Parent Families Innovations in Research and Implications for Practice, Second Edition (pp. TBD). Springer Social Sciences.
  2. Garcia, R. L. & Ledermann, T. (2019). Data Analysis Strategies for Relationship Research. In D. Schoebi, & B. Campos (Eds.), Close Relationships: Pathways and Strong Bonds (pp. TBD). Routledge: Current Issues in Social Psychology Series.

Articles Under Peer-Review

  1. Garcia, R. L., *Kyuchukova, K., *Hinson, A., & *Jung, L. (under review). Objectification in action: Self- and other-objectification in same-gender interpersonal interactions.


  1. Garcia, R. L., & Kenny, D. A. (2019). dyadr: Dyadic data analysis.