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  • Between-Dyads Variable
    • Both members have the same score.
  • Centering
    • Remove the mean from actor and partner variables.
    • Use one mean from the pairwise data set.
  • Sequence of Testing
    • Test with actor and partner effects in the model.
    • Do not trim non-significant actor or partner effects.


  • Standard Product Approach
    • Make sure variables centered
    • Interpretation
      • positive: the partner effect increases as one’s score increases
      • negative: the partner effect increases as one’s score decreases
  • Discrepancy Score (absolute difference)
    • Similarity: Negative Coefficient (smaller absolute difference bigger outcome)
    • Dissimilarity: Positive Coefficient (larger absolute difference smaller outcome)

Hypothetical Example

Outcome: Satisfaction in Roommates
Predictor: Agreeableness
Actor and Partner Main Effects: Assumed to be positive


Possible Effects:

  • Product Approach
    • Positive Coefficient: Being Agreeable makes you more satisfied but this effect is stronger the more Agreeable your roommate is (seems more likely).
    • Negative Coefficient: Being Agreeable makes you more satisfied but this effect is weaker the more Agreeable your roommate is.
  • Discrepancy Score (Absolute Difference)
    • Positive Coefficient: The more dissimilar the two roommates are in Agreeableness, the more they are satisfied.
    • Negative Coefficient: The more similar the two roommates are in Agreeableness, the more they are satisfied (seems more likely).

Riggs Example

Load Data

Read in the pairwise dataset


riggsp <- read.csv("riggsp.csv")

Indistinguishable Dyads

First let’s again run the basic indistinguishable APIM.

apimi <- gls(Sat_A ~ Avoid_A + Avoid_P, 
             na.action = na.omit, 
             correlation = corCompSymm (form=~1|Dyad),
             data = riggsp)

## Correlation structure of class corCompSymm representing
##       Rho 
## 0.6470868 
## Residual standard error: 6.82339 
##               Value Std.Error t-value p-value
## (Intercept) 49.5074    1.0337 47.8915  0.0000
## Avoid_A     -2.1249    0.3476 -6.1124  0.0000
## Avoid_P     -1.0902    0.3476 -3.1361  0.0019
##               2.5 %  97.5 %
## (Intercept) 47.4813 51.5335
## Avoid_A     -2.8062 -1.4435
## Avoid_P     -1.7715 -0.4088

Next, before we add the interaction, let’s grand-mean center the two variables. We will talk much more about centering tomorrow when we discuss moderation.

riggsp <- riggsp %>%
  mutate(CAvoid_A = Avoid_A - mean(Avoid_A),
         CAvoid_P = Avoid_P - mean(Avoid_P))

Product Approach

Now we will add the actor-partner interaction using the product approach.

apimi_apint <- gls(Sat_A ~ CAvoid_A + CAvoid_P + CAvoid_A*CAvoid_P, 
                   na.action = na.omit, 
                   correlation = corCompSymm (form=~1|Dyad),
                   data = riggsp)

## Correlation structure of class corCompSymm representing
##       Rho 
## 0.6483947 
## Residual standard error: 6.836068 
##                     Value Std.Error t-value p-value
## (Intercept)       44.8441    0.5010 89.5085  0.0000
## CAvoid_A          -2.1583    0.3534 -6.1080  0.0000
## CAvoid_P          -1.1236    0.3534 -3.1798  0.0016
## CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P -0.2839    0.5082 -0.5586  0.5768
##                     2.5 %  97.5 %
## (Intercept)       43.8622 45.8261
## CAvoid_A          -2.8508 -1.4657
## CAvoid_P          -1.8162 -0.4310
## CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P -1.2800  0.7122

There is no statistically significant actor-partner interaction, but the estimate is negative. We could interpret this tiny estimate as the negative actor effect of avoidance gets more negative if your partner is higher in avoidance.

Descrepancy Approach

Next we’ll use the absolute discrepancy approach instead of the product approach. We have to add this variable to the dataset.

riggsp <- riggsp %>%
  mutate(part_desc = abs(CAvoid_A - CAvoid_P))

Now we use this discrepancy in the model.

apimi_desc <- gls(Sat_A ~ CAvoid_A + CAvoid_P + part_desc, 
                   na.action = na.omit, 
                   correlation = corCompSymm (form=~1|Dyad),
                   data = riggsp)

## Correlation structure of class corCompSymm representing
##       Rho 
## 0.6458482 
## Residual standard error: 6.811447 
##               Value Std.Error t-value p-value
## (Intercept) 43.9011    0.8678 50.5899  0.0000
## CAvoid_A    -2.3720    0.3967 -5.9787  0.0000
## CAvoid_P    -1.3374    0.3967 -3.3708  0.0008
## part_desc    0.8034    0.6250  1.2855  0.1996
##               2.5 %  97.5 %
## (Intercept) 42.2002 45.6019
## CAvoid_A    -3.1496 -1.5944
## CAvoid_P    -2.1150 -0.5598
## part_desc   -0.4215  2.0283

The absolute discrepancy effect is not statistically significant, but the sign of the estimate is positive–this indicates that as the couple is more dissimilar in avoidance they are more happy.

Distinguishable Dyads

Let’s first run the basic distinguishable dyads APIM. Here we use the two-intercept model.

apimd <- gls(Sat_A ~ Genderstring + Genderstring:Avoid_A 
             + Avoid_P:Genderstring - 1, 
             na.action = na.omit, 
             correlation = corCompSymm (form=~1|Dyad),
             weights = varIdent(form=~1|Genderstring), 
             data = riggsp)

## Correlation structure of class corCompSymm representing
##       Rho 
## 0.6436512 
## Variance function structure of class varIdent representing
##      Man    Woman 
## 1.000000 1.022121 
## Residual standard error: 6.756969 
##                             Value Std.Error t-value p-value
## GenderstringMan           49.4068    1.1281 43.7956  0.0000
## GenderstringWoman         49.6339    1.1531 43.0447  0.0000
## GenderstringMan:Avoid_A   -1.7537    0.5075 -3.4560  0.0006
## GenderstringWoman:Avoid_A -2.4806    0.5062 -4.9008  0.0000
## GenderstringMan:Avoid_P   -1.3772    0.4952 -2.7812  0.0058
## GenderstringWoman:Avoid_P -0.7890    0.5187 -1.5212  0.1293
##                             2.5 %  97.5 %
## GenderstringMan           47.1958 51.6179
## GenderstringWoman         47.3739 51.8939
## GenderstringMan:Avoid_A   -2.7483 -0.7592
## GenderstringWoman:Avoid_A -3.4726 -1.4885
## GenderstringMan:Avoid_P   -2.3478 -0.4067
## GenderstringWoman:Avoid_P -1.8056  0.2276

All actor and partner effects are significant except for the men -> woman partner effect. We can use lincomb() to test if the actor and partner effects are different across gender.

data.frame(Actor_effects = lincomb(apimd, 3, 4),
           Partner_effects = lincomb(apimd, 5, 6),
           row.names = c("Mean diff", "SE", "p-value"))
##           Actor_effects Partner_effects
## Mean diff     0.7268355      -0.5882618
## SE            0.7362712       0.7366442
## p-value       0.3235522       0.4245399

The actor and partner effects are not statistically different from each other. Note that although the men’s partner effect is sig and the women’s partner effects is not-sig, they are not significantly different from each other.

Product Approach

Next we add the actor-partner interactions using the product approach.

apimd_apint <- gls(Sat_A ~ Genderstring 
                   + Genderstring:CAvoid_A + Genderstring:CAvoid_P 
                   + Genderstring:CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P - 1,
                   na.action = na.omit, 
                   correlation = corCompSymm (form=~1|Dyad),
                   weights = varIdent(form=~1|Genderstring), 
                   data = riggsp)

## Correlation structure of class corCompSymm representing
##      Rho 
## 0.657623 
## Variance function structure of class varIdent representing
##      Man    Woman 
## 1.000000 1.013844 
## Residual standard error: 6.770519 
##                                       Value Std.Error t-value p-value
## GenderstringMan                     44.8031    0.5481 81.7421  0.0000
## GenderstringWoman                   44.9597    0.5557 80.9079  0.0000
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_A            -1.7219    0.5110 -3.3696  0.0009
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_A          -2.6165    0.5094 -5.1363  0.0000
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_P            -1.3277    0.5025 -2.6425  0.0087
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_P          -0.8764    0.5181 -1.6916  0.0918
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P    0.3475    0.5548  0.6263  0.5316
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P -0.9537    0.5625 -1.6954  0.0910
##                                       2.5 %  97.5 %
## GenderstringMan                     43.7288 45.8773
## GenderstringWoman                   43.8706 46.0489
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_A            -2.7234 -0.7203
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_A          -3.6149 -1.6181
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_P            -2.3125 -0.3429
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_P          -1.8918  0.1390
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P   -0.7400  1.4349
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P -2.0561  0.1488

The actor-partner interaction is not significant for men, but it is for women. But are they different from each other?

L1 <- data.frame(Actor_effects = lincomb(apimd, 3, 4),
                 Partner_effects = lincomb(apimd, 5, 6),
                 APint = lincomb(apimd_apint, 7, 8),
                 row.names = c("Mean diff", "SE", "p-value"))

##           Actor_effects Partner_effects       APint
## Mean diff     0.7268355      -0.5882618 1.301117875
## SE            0.7362712       0.7366442 0.462346775
## p-value       0.3235522       0.4245399 0.004890486

The actor-partner interactions were significantly different between men and women, b = 0.3235522, SE = 0.4245399, p = 0.0048905. (Note that these three in-text numbers were generated by coding in R Markdown. Yes, you can change the number of decimal places with the format() function!)

Testing Simple Slopes

Let’s next explore what this interaction means by testing the simple slopes and graphing it. We will use a re-centering approach that allows us to see the effect of partner avoidance at high (+1 SD) and low (-1 SD) actor avoidance.

First we re-center actor avoidance. We want two new variables:

  1. Where +1 SD now equals zero (HIGH)
  2. Where -1 SD now equals zero (LOW)
#That's right, we subtract for high and add for low!
riggsp <- riggsp %>%
  mutate(High_CAvoid_A = CAvoid_A - sd(CAvoid_A), 
         Low_CAvoid_A = CAvoid_A + sd(CAvoid_A))

Then we use these in the models.

apimd_high <- gls(Sat_A ~ Genderstring 
                   + Genderstring:High_CAvoid_A + Genderstring:CAvoid_P 
                   + Genderstring:High_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P - 1,
                   na.action = na.omit, 
                   correlation = corCompSymm (form=~1|Dyad),
                   weights = varIdent(form=~1|Genderstring), 
                   data = riggsp)

apimd_low <- gls(Sat_A ~ Genderstring 
                   + Genderstring:Low_CAvoid_A + Genderstring:CAvoid_P 
                   + Genderstring:Low_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P - 1,
                   na.action = na.omit, 
                   correlation = corCompSymm (form=~1|Dyad),
                   weights = varIdent(form=~1|Genderstring), 
                   data = riggsp)

##                                               Value Std.Error    t-value
## GenderstringMan                          42.9264037 0.7977925 53.8064767
## GenderstringWoman                        42.1080843 0.7586333 55.5051852
## GenderstringMan:High_CAvoid_A            -1.7218986 0.5110049 -3.3696322
## GenderstringWoman:High_CAvoid_A          -2.6164936 0.5094128 -5.1362938
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_P                 -0.9490301 0.8448354 -1.1233313
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_P               -1.9157439 0.8411036 -2.2776551
## GenderstringMan:High_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P    0.3474665 0.5548236  0.6262648
## GenderstringWoman:High_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P -0.9536514 0.5625048 -1.6953657
##                                                p-value
## GenderstringMan                          8.812027e-157
## GenderstringWoman                        1.744099e-160
## GenderstringMan:High_CAvoid_A             8.504364e-04
## GenderstringWoman:High_CAvoid_A           5.034206e-07
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_P                  2.621890e-01
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_P                2.344589e-02
## GenderstringMan:High_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P    5.316143e-01
## GenderstringWoman:High_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P  9.103676e-02
##                                              Value Std.Error    t-value
## GenderstringMan                         46.6797292 0.7646638 61.0460801
## GenderstringWoman                       47.8114124 0.8115115 58.9164923
## GenderstringMan:Low_CAvoid_A            -1.7218986 0.5110049 -3.3696322
## GenderstringWoman:Low_CAvoid_A          -2.6164936 0.5094128 -5.1362938
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_P                -1.7064237 0.7228286 -2.3607585
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_P               0.1629871 0.7622658  0.2138193
## GenderstringMan:Low_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P    0.3474665 0.5548236  0.6262648
## GenderstringWoman:Low_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P -0.9536514 0.5625048 -1.6953657
##                                               p-value
## GenderstringMan                         6.036219e-172
## GenderstringWoman                       1.197426e-167
## GenderstringMan:Low_CAvoid_A             8.504364e-04
## GenderstringWoman:Low_CAvoid_A           5.034206e-07
## GenderstringMan:CAvoid_P                 1.887285e-02
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_P               8.308323e-01
## GenderstringMan:Low_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P    5.316143e-01
## GenderstringWoman:Low_CAvoid_A:CAvoid_P  9.103676e-02

All we care about is the effect of the partner’s avoidance for women when her avoidance is high…

##                                Value Std.Error   t-value       p-value
## GenderstringWoman          42.108084 0.7586333 55.505185 1.744099e-160
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_P -1.915744 0.8411036 -2.277655  2.344589e-02

…and when her avoidance is low.

##                                 Value Std.Error    t-value       p-value
## GenderstringWoman          47.8114124 0.8115115 58.9164923 1.197426e-167
## GenderstringWoman:CAvoid_P  0.1629871 0.7622658  0.2138193  8.308323e-01

Graphing the Interaction

Finally, let’s graph the interaction. Let’s first make a dataset with only the women.

womenOnly <- riggsp %>%
  filter(Gender_A == 1)

Now we will use the graphMod() function in dyadr. Type ?graphMod to read about this function.

plot <- graphMod(data = womenOnly, 
                 x = womenOnly$CAvoid_P, 
                 y = womenOnly$Sat_A, 
                 mod = womenOnly$CAvoid_A, 
                 highMod = apimd_high, 
                 lowMod = apimd_low, 
                 int = 2, 
                 slp = 6)


plot is a ggplot object, and so you can add onto it with functions from the ggplot2 package. For example, to create labels and change the colors:

plot +
  theme_classic() +
  ylab("Satisfaction") +
  xlab("Partner's Avoidance") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("cadetblue", "salmon")) +
  scale_color_discrete(name = "Actor's Avoidance")

See a complete list of R colors here.

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