acitelli <- read.csv("/Users/randigarcia/Desktop/Data/acitelli.csv", header=TRUE)

We first want to create a gender variable that is a character, this will make the output look nicer. We’ll make use of the ifelse() function inside of mutate().


acitelli <- acitelli %>%
  mutate(Gender = ifelse(gender == -1, "Women", "Men"))

menOnly <- acitelli %>%
  filter(gender == 1) %>%
  mutate(wise_hus = Yearsmar > median(Yearsmar)) %>%

Visualizing Data

There are quite a few ways to make figures in R, we’ll the popular package ggplot2. You can find a cheat sheet for ggplot2 here. Be sure to install it first if you never have, or if you need to update it.


Quick Histogram

First, let’s make a histogram for satisfaction. The easiest way to make a figure with ggplot2 is with the qplot() function. This stands for quick plot. Notice in the code below that we did not specify anything about a histogram. qplot() guesses which type of plot we want based on the variable’s type (i.e., integer, number, double, factor, character).

qplot(satisfaction, data = acitelli)

There are too many bins (it defaults to 30 bins), we can ask for a specific number by adding the bins = argument. Try playing around the bin number below to find the optimal plot. I put 30 in there as a placeholder.

qplot(satisfaction, data = acitelli, bins = 10)

We might want to see if the distributions are different for men and women. We can do this by mapping Gender to the fill aesthetic. Note that we could used color = if we want a hollow histogram.

qplot(x = satisfaction, color = Gender, data = acitelli, bins = 10)

Quick Density Plot

An alternative to the histogram is the density plot. It displays a smoothed distribution and the area under the curve always sums to 1, thus, it’s good for comparing two groups with different n’s.

qplot(x = satisfaction, color = Gender, data = acitelli, geom = "density")

Quick Scatterplot

We might also want a scatter plot. Again,qplot() guesses what we want, but it’s a good idea to specify which variable goes on the x-axis and which goes on the y-axis.

qplot(x = tension, y = satisfaction, data = acitelli)

We can even add a third variable, mapping it to color. To get the behavior we want, gender has to be a categorical variable (a character variable is fine).

qplot(x = tension, y = satisfaction, color = Gender, data = acitelli)

Quick Boxplots

We can ask for side-by-side boxplots when our x variable is categorical. In this case qplot() does NOT know what to do, so we tell it we want boxplots with geom = "boxplot".

qplot(y = satisfaction, x = wise_hus, data = menOnly, geom = "boxplot")



For more complex figures we will need to move away from using the qplot() function in favor of the heavy duty ggplot() function. To get a sense of how ggplot() builds plots, first we will just run the empty function.


Next, we can add the data and start mapping variables to aesthetics.

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = satisfaction))

After we have specified aesthetic mappings, we can then add geoms. Notice that we make use of the + symbol with ggplots. The + needs to be on the right of each piece of the plot. We add a histogram with the geom_histogram() function.

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = satisfaction)) +

Note in the histogram above the y-axis are the counts of observations in each bin. There were some calculations involved in getting these counts. Counts are the default statistic when you ask for a histogram. We can change the number of bins by adding bins = inside of the geom_histogram() function.

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = satisfaction)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 12)

Just as before, if we want overlayed histograms, we can map gender to the fill aesthetic.

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = satisfaction, fill = Gender)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 12)

Alternatively, we can ask for separate facets for each level of the Gender variable with the fact_wrap() function. Notice that there is a ~ before Gender inside of this function.

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = satisfaction)) +
  geom_histogram(bins = 12) +

Scatter Plot

Next we’ll make that scatter plot again. We’ll map tension to the x-axis and satisfaction to the y-axis. Then we’ll add geom_point().

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = tension, y = satisfaction)) +

Why does it appear as though there is far less data than there really is? Check out the plot when we use geom_jitter(). What do you think geom_jitter() does?

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = tension, y = satisfaction)) +

We can add more than one geom. To the jittered scatter plot we can add a least squares regression line with geom_smooth(). Inside of geom smooth we need to specific method = "lm", the lm stand for linear model. We can also turn off the standard errors with se = 0.

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = tension, y = satisfaction)) +
  geom_jitter() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = 0)

Again, we can map gender to the color aesthetic.

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = tension, y = satisfaction, color = Gender)) +
  geom_jitter() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = 0)

Or use facet_wrap().

ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = tension, y = satisfaction)) +
  geom_jitter() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = 0) +

Labels and Colors

We can create a plot object with the <- symbol. Then to print the plot we’d need to run a line with the name of our plot.

myplot <- ggplot(acitelli, aes(x = tension, y = satisfaction, color = Gender, linetype = Gender)) +
  geom_jitter() +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", se = 0)


Then, we can add to that plot object. We can add x labels, x labels, change the colors, and the theme. There is much more that you can do with ggplot2!

myplot + 
  xlab("Tension") +
  ylab("Satisfaction") +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("gold", "dodgerblue")) +