acitelli <- read.csv("/Users/randigarcia/Desktop/Data/acitelli.csv", header=TRUE)
We’ll use the package dplyr
. The dplyr
package contains the functions for all of the data cleaning verbs: filter()
, mutate()
, rename()
, arrange()
, select()
, summarize()
, and group_by()
. You can find a cheat sheet for dplyr
First, let’s filter cases. We can make a dataset of men only. Notice that we used a double equal sign, ==
, instead of single, =
. When you want to ask if something is equal to some value or another variable, that is, you want to use equal in a logical statement, you need the double equal. You can also use >
, which means AND, and finally, |
which means OR.
menOnly <- filter(acitelli, gender == 1)
We could also use the pipe, %>%
menOnly <- acitelli %>%
filter(gender ==1)
We can save this new data set in our files as a csv. Note that the file path conventions are different for Windows machines. If copying and pasting from properties, you will need to change backslashes to forward slashes.
file = "/Users/randigarcia/Desktop/Data/men.csv") #replace file path
It’s in your working directory, which you can find with the following command. It is an empty function, so it looks weird.
How about only the men who are above the median for Yearsmar
. First, find the median years married.
#use a function in the mosaic package
Then, filter for men above that cut off point.
mature_hus <- menOnly %>%
filter(Yearsmar > -1.089)
Instead of first finding the median with favstats()
, we could ask for the median inside of filter()
with the Base R function, median()
. Base R has all of the descriptive stats functions you’d expect, mean()
, sd()
, cor()
, but be careful because if you have missing data you’ll have to add = TRUE
as an argument to the function. The syntax also differs from mosaic
mature_hus <- menOnly %>%
filter(Yearsmar > median(Yearsmar))
Let’s add a new categorical variable that marks the median split on Yearsmar. After you create it, take a look at it.
menOnly <- menOnly %>%
mutate(mature_hus = Yearsmar > median(Yearsmar))
How would you get the frequencies on this variable?
Now for a sanity check, how would you get the descriptive stats split by mature and non-mature husbands?
#descriptives split
We copy a variable and give it a new name with a function you already know, mutate()
menOnly <- menOnly %>%
mutate(old_hus = mature_hus)
We can rename a variable without creating a new one with rename()
. This is handy if you forget to name variables in Qualtrics!
menOnly <- menOnly %>%
rename(wise_hus = old_hus)
We can rename a bunch at the same time. This is handy if you forget to name variables in Qualtrics!
menOnly <- menOnly %>%
rename(self_positivity = self_pos,
other_positivity = other_pos)
First, you should know that you can sort in the viewer by clicking the (faint) arrows just to the right of each variable name. Give it a try. It’s often handy to have a sort command in your code, and/or you might want to sort by more than one variable.
## cuplid Yearsmar gender self_pos other_pos satisfaction tension simhob
## 1 3 8.202667 -1 4.8 4.6 4.000000 1.5 0
## 2 3 8.202667 1 3.8 4.0 3.666667 2.5 1
## 3 10 10.452667 -1 4.6 3.8 3.166667 4.0 0
## 4 10 10.452667 1 4.2 4.0 3.666667 2.0 0
## 5 11 -8.297333 -1 5.0 4.4 3.833333 2.5 0
## 6 11 -8.297333 1 4.2 4.8 3.833333 2.5 0
Say we want to take a peak at the women with the bottom 6 self_pos
acitelli %>%
arrange(gender, self_pos) %>%
## cuplid Yearsmar gender self_pos other_pos satisfaction tension simhob
## 1 160 8.7026667 -1 3.2 3.8 3.333333 4.0 0
## 2 52 13.1193333 -1 3.4 3.8 3.833333 2.0 1
## 3 441 0.1193333 -1 3.4 4.4 4.000000 3.0 0
## 4 70 11.3693333 -1 3.6 4.4 3.833333 1.5 0
## 5 116 4.7860000 -1 3.6 4.2 2.333333 4.0 0
## 6 178 -7.0473333 -1 3.6 3.6 2.666667 3.0 0
We could also save the arranged dataset.
acitelli <- acitelli %>%
arrange(gender, self_pos)
## cuplid Yearsmar gender self_pos other_pos satisfaction tension simhob
## 1 160 8.7026667 -1 3.2 3.8 3.333333 4.0 0
## 2 52 13.1193333 -1 3.4 3.8 3.833333 2.0 1
## 3 441 0.1193333 -1 3.4 4.4 4.000000 3.0 0
## 4 70 11.3693333 -1 3.6 4.4 3.833333 1.5 0
## 5 116 4.7860000 -1 3.6 4.2 2.333333 4.0 0
## 6 178 -7.0473333 -1 3.6 3.6 2.666667 3.0 0
What about the top 6? We can use the desc()
function inside of arrange()
acitelli %>%
arrange(gender, desc(self_pos)) %>%
## cuplid Yearsmar gender self_pos other_pos satisfaction tension simhob
## 1 11 -8.297333 -1 5 4.4 3.833333 2.5 0
## 2 98 -9.214000 -1 5 4.2 4.000000 2.0 1
## 3 114 12.619333 -1 5 3.4 3.666667 2.5 0
## 4 127 3.619333 -1 5 4.6 3.833333 2.0 0
## 5 135 7.786000 -1 5 5.0 4.000000 1.5 0
## 6 177 11.619333 -1 5 5.0 4.000000 1.0 1
Save a smaller subset of variables.
small <- acitelli %>%
select(cuplid, gender, satisfaction, self_pos)
We can also save everything but some variable(s).
no_tension <- acitelli %>%
acitelli %>%
summarize(mean = mean(satisfaction),
sd = sd(satisfaction),
min = min(satisfaction))
## mean sd min
## 1 3.60473 0.4964205 1.166667
We can split the file and view results grouped by some variable.
acitelli %>%
group_by(gender) %>%
summarize(mean = mean(satisfaction),
sd = sd(satisfaction),
min = min(satisfaction))
## # A tibble: 2 x 4
## gender mean sd min
## <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 -1 3.591216 0.5300260 1.500000
## 2 1 3.618243 0.4617875 1.166667
You can use group_by()
to create aggregated variables, this is handy if you have nested data. We actually do have married couples here, so let’s create a dyad mean tension variable.
acitelli <- acitelli %>%
group_by(cuplid) %>%
mutate(tension_mean = mean(tension)) %>%
#this last command is not entirely nessesary, but good practice
We now seen our first pipelines, using group_by()
. Now we can make a pipeline of many of the commands I did above. The last thing I do is drop useless gender
variable, because the resulting dataset if all men.
mature_hus2 <- acitelli %>%
filter(gender == 1) %>%
mutate(wise_hus = Yearsmar > median(Yearsmar)) %>%
rename(self_positivity = self_pos,
other_positivity = other_pos,
personID = cuplid) %>%
arrange(wise_hus) %>%
Save a dataset of women who are perceiving above the mean tension, and drop the simhob
#above the mean
What are the couple ID’s of the couples with the lowest 3 average satisfaction scores?
#3 lowest